

  1、少来这一套。Knock it off.

  2、你到底为什么不跟我说实话?Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth?

  3、别发牢骚! Stop complaining!

  4、那是你的问题。That’s your problem.

  5、你这缺德鬼。You’re an asshole.

  6、真糟糕!That’s terrible.

  7、从我面前消失!Get out of my face.

  8、你怎么回事?What’s wrong with you?

  9、你怎么回事啊?What’s your problem?

  10、省省吧。Cut it out.

  11、你对我什么都不是。You’re nothing to me.

  12、我厌倦了。I’m fed up.

  13、你以为你是谁?who do you think you are?

  14、你疯了!You’re crazy!

  15、你脑子有毛病!What did you say?

  16、我讨厌你!i hate you!

  17、你真丢人!You’re a disgrace.

  18、我不想听!I don’t want to hear it.

  19、我再也受不了啦!I’m not going to put up with this!

  20、你这蠢猪!You stupid jerk!

  21、我都腻了。I’m sick of it.

  22、你真让我恶心! You make me sick!

  23、我不愿再见到你!I don’t want to see your face!

  24、你这讨厌鬼。You’re a pain in the ass.

  25、你真是一个小丑!you’re a joke!

  26、少跟我罗嗦。Get off my back.

  27、你搞得一团糟!look at the mess you’ve made!

  28、你真粗心。You’re so careless.

  29、你真不可救药。you’re impossible.

  30、你说什么?What did you say?

  31、你真让我恶心!you make me sick!

  32、我没办法。I can’t help it.

  33、你气死我了。You pime off.

  34、别烦我。Don’t bother me.

  35、我再也不要见到你!I never want to see your face again!

  36、你看上去心虚。You look guilty.

  37、真是白痴一个!What a stupid idiot!

  38、这是什么意思?What’s the meaning of this?

  39、我肺都快要气炸了!I’m about to explode!

  40、12你疯了吗?Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?

  41、你以为你是谁?Who do you think you are?

  42、别找借口。Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses.

  43、你知道现在都几点吗?Do you know what time it is?

  44、别在我面前唠叨!Don’t nag me!

  45、我永远都不会饶恕你!I’ll never forgive you!

  46、成事不足,败事有余。can’t you do anything right?

  47、不是我的错。It’s not my fault.

  48、你真不该那样做!You shouldn’t have done that!

  49、你脑子进水啊?Do you know what time it is?

  50、别那样和我说话!Don’t talk to me like that!

  51、我讨厌你!I hate you!

  52、看看这烂摊子!Look at this mess!

  53、我听腻了你的废话。I’ve had enough of your garbage.

  54、我真后悔这辈子遇到你!I wish I had never met you.

  55、脸皮真厚。You have a lot of nerve.

  56、你敢!How dare you!

  57、看看你都做了些什么!(www.lz13.cn)Just look at what you’ve done!

  58、你以为你在跟谁说话?Who do you think you’re talking to?

  59、走开。Leave me alone.

  60、你怎么可以这样说?How can you say that?

  61、别自以为是。Get over yourself.

  62、那才是你脑子里想的!That’s what you think!

  63、你是个废物/混球! You’re a jerk!

  64、关你屁事!It’s none of your business.


  英语培训学校的广告语  1、专业,资深教师辅导。贴心,真诚服务教育。  2、语言是人的一部分,英语是语言的一大部分。  3、语贝培训,让您与众不同!  4、用英语沟通,沟通用英语。  5、英语一点通,提高更轻松!  6、英语是走向世界的桥梁,英语是迈向成功的阶梯,来吧!同学们,周末英语辅导班利用周末休息时间,专业的英语老师辅导你快速学习掌握英语,成为未来的栋梁之才!!  7、英语培训新理念,


  值得学习的英语经典谚语  1、Believe in yourself.  相信你自己!  2、Like father, like son.  有其父必有其子。  3、Life is not all roses.  人生并不是康庄大道。  4、Learn to walk before you run.  先学走,再学跑。  5、The good or ill of man lies withi


  值得收藏的英语名言大全  1、Seeing is believing.  眼见为实。  2、Deliberating is not delaying.  慎思不是拖延。  3、Money makes the mare to go.  钱可通神。  4、A man alone is either a saint or a devil.  孤身独处的人可以为圣哲,也可为恶魔。  5、Money


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