

  It seems to me a very difficult thing to put into words the beliefs we hold and what they make you do in your life. I think I was fortunate because I grew up in a family where there was a very deep religious feeling. I don't think it was spoken of a great deal. It was more or less taken for granted that everybody held certain beliefs and needed certain reinforcements of their own strength and that that came through your belief in God and your knowledge of prayer.


  But as I grew older I questioned a great many of the things that I knew very well my grandmother who had brought me up had taken for granted. And I think I might have been a quite difficult person to live with if it hadn't been for the fact that my husband once said it didn't do you any harm to learn those things, so why not let your children learn them? When they grow up they'll think things out for themselves.


  And that gave me a feeling that perhaps that's what we all must do—think out for ourselves what we could believe and how we could live by it. And so I came to the conclusion that you had to use this life to develop the very best that you could develop.


  I don't know whether I believe in a future life. I believe that all that you go through here must have some value, therefore there must be some reason. And there must be some “going on.” How exactly that happens I've never been able to decide. There is a future—that I'm sure of. But how, that I don't know. And I came to feel that it didn't really matter very much because whatever the future held you'd have to face it when you came to it, just as whatever life holds you have to face it exactly the same way. And the important thing was that you never let down doing the best that you were able to do—it might be poor because you might not have very much within you to give, or to help other people with, or to live your life with. But as long as you did the very best that you were able to do, then that was what you were put here to do and that was what you were accomplishing by being here.

  我不知道自己是否相信未来。我相信的是我们现在经历的一切一定有价值,因此必有某些道理,也必然预示着有些事情“将要发生”。但这些事情如何发生,我却不能决定。一定有未来——对此我深信不疑。但它会怎样降临。我不知道,然而着一点,我渐渐感到并不重要。(人生感悟 www.lz13.cn)因为无论未来如何,我们到时候总得面对,正如无论生活中发生了什么,我们都必须面对一样。真正重要的是要倾尽自己的全力。也许你能力有限、贡献不多,无法给予他人更多的帮助,或者无法活得那么精彩,但只要你能倾尽自己的全力,你就能完成来到人世间的使命,能体现人生的价值。

  And so I have tri ed to follow that out—and not to worry about the future or what was going to happen. I think I am pretty much of a fatalist. You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.



  张小娴:人生最糟糕的遭遇  假如有人问你:你人生最糟糕的遭遇会是什么?  你会怎样回答?  虽然那么多人喜欢钱,但大部分人的答案都不是:没有钱。  有人的答案是:身患重病。  有人的答案是:没能力照顾自己。  有人的答案是:一事无成。  然而,大部分人的


  人生成功的十种极致境界  人生漫长路,事事难预料,为何有些人走得坦荡荡,为何有些人走得惨兮兮?  阐述成功地十种极致境界,对与错,是与非,仅待后人评说。  忍忍字心头一把刀。  人间炼狱,若能忍一时之苦,忍一时之快,忍一时之气,忍一时之痛,忍之余平心静气,仔细分析,乱中取理,闹中成事,方能做到不乱马脚,明眼处事,施施然而马到功成。  学


  成功人生由平凡走向非凡的12级台阶  一、只有不断追求,才能不断前进  人生不是靠命运安排,而是要安排命运!我们要做命运的主人。人生的有幸与不幸,将永远与你结伴而行。命运可以决定你奋斗过程的顺利或艰辛,但追求的结果却一直握在你自己手中。  1、执著的追求是人生成功的秘方  2、勇于追求,生命就会焕发光彩  3、不断追求,可以使你成为巨人  4、一步步地追求,不要被困难所吓倒  二、追求永无止


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